Ministry Teams
Budget &
Building &
Music &
BUDGET & FINANCE is responsible for overseeing the budget and the finances of Second Presbyterian. They work closely with the other Ministry Teams in order to develop a budget that incorporates the goals of each team.
BUILDING & GROUNDS oversees and maintains the property of Second Presbyterian Church, ensuring that it is kept in good repair for use by its members, ministries, and all nonmembers who request use of the facility and grounds. In addition to coordinating repairs and improvements, they work with the other Ministry Teams to ensure that they have the space and furnishings they need in order to effectively accomplish their ministry goals.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION is responsible for developing and implementing the entire educational ministry of Second Presbyterian Church, as we seek to nurture disciples of Jesus Christ and help equip them for ministry and service in the world. They meet regularly for prayer and creative planning to address the educational needs of this congregation.
CONGREGATIONAL LIFE plans, organizes, and implements various fellowship opportunities throughout the year, with an emphasis on celebrating the liturgical calendar (Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter, etc.) and congregational milestones (confirmands, new members, etc.). This team is dedicated to helping visitors, new members, and even long-time members connect with the many ministry opportunities at Second. They schedule and implement Welcome Luncheons as needed, and help ensure that visitors and members know about the many avenues for “plugging in” to the church community.
MUSIC & WORSHIP is responsible for providing meaningful, well-planned, Christian worship that both glorifies God and encourages and challenges us into a deeper relationship with God, with each other, and with the world. They coordinate with the Pastor, Director of Music, Organist, Administrative Assistant, and volunteers. Their responsibilities include selecting and preparing music, planning for communion, and overseeing the sanctuary for weekly and special worship services.
OUTREACH helps equip the congregation to go out into the world in Christ’s name, with a special eye for ministering to others in need within this community. Their ministry includes support for the Soup Kitchen, Mobile Meals, Habitat, and Jumpstart.
PERSONNEL ensures that Second has the necessary staff in place to accomplish our ministry together. They work closely with the staff to address both needs and concerns as they may arise. They are also responsible for overseeing employee policy, coaching, and other support.
MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS seeks to effectively use media at Second Presbyterian to reach both inside and outside our walls with the Good News of Jesus Christ. They evaluate current and potential technologies and communication resources for their effectiveness, consistency, accessibility, and contemporary relevance. Seeking short-term and long-term solutions, their goal is to equip, organize, and manage media communications so that all our media may serve as a vehicle to our ministry.