Adult Sunday School Class
We have several Adult Classes that come together each week for fellowship, life discussion, and Bible Study.Curriculum and topics vary throughout the year, but we always enjoy our time of catching up, studying, and praying together.
Faith Tap
Families are invited to join us for Faith Tap every third Thursday, 6:00-8:00pm. It’s an informal time for fellowship and faith growth. Childcare is available at the church during the school year. Families are invited to attend together during the summer.
Presbyterian Women (PW)
PW is a world-wide community of women who work and pray and study together for the carrying out of Jesus’s commandments. Women are invited to join Circles for small group work and study, and these groups can become “family” to those who join. We pool our work, our time, our talents, our hearts, our minds, and our resources to do the work of the PCUSA in carrying out God’s commandment to love one another, treating all as our sisters and brothers.
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
Friday Morning Men’s Fellowship Breakfast meets at 8:00am for a one-hour breakfast and devotional Bible Study discussion, ending with prayer time for the Church and any needs requested by the attendees. This group welcomes all men to join us in study, food, and fellowship.
Special Events
Our Adult Ministry at Second includes many special events throughout the year, like Parents’ Night Out — an opportunity for parents to enjoy some time together while children eat and play at the church. Other special events include concerts, trips, and mission opportunities.