The Sunday morning Nursery is for newborns to three years of age, and is provided by our Childcare staff and volunteers. Nursery is available during Sunday School (9:45am), Worship (11:00am), and for Special Events.
Children’s Church
During the Worship service, all children will be invited forward for a Children’s Sermon. Following the Children’s Sermon, children ages 4yrs through 2nd Grade are invited to attend Children’s Church downstairs on the Children’s Wing. Children’s Church curriculum follows along with weekly sermon scriptures!
Children’s Sunday School
During the school year, there are two multi-age Sunday School classes for children in elementary school (9:45am). The two classes often combine for the summer months.
Special Events
Throughout the year, Second offers many special events for our Children, including Wednesday Night activities, Kickoff Sunday, and special family outings, like river tubing in Asheville!
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
One of our favorite events of the year is VBS in the summer. VBS at Second includes Bible study, music, crafts, and games! Our children learn a lot at VBS, but they also have loads of fun!